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Автор: eveto Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 2331426 Постинги: 8 Коментари: 692
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28.05.2007 18:20 - spomeni
AkO obIcHaSh-ObIcHaI SiLnO,AkO MrAzIsH-MrAzI zA ViNaGi,nE SyJaLqVaI EdVa Li NqKoI TeB ShTe SyJaLi!!! 

Az ZnAm MaLkA TyJnA PeSeN,Po-TyJnA Ot SaMaTa EsEn.V NeQ KrYv Se LeE,TeJkO Mu Na ToZ,KoItO Q ZaPeE.TaZi PeSeN sE NaRicHa:"ObIcHaM Go,nO ToI nE Me ObIcHa" 

BeZ TeB Q NqMa LiUbOvTa,NqMa SlYnCe I LuNa,ShToM nE Si Do mEn,NqMa NoShT I dEn,BeZ tEb Q NqMa,BeZ kRiLa!!! 

ByDi ZvEzDa Za VsIcHkI,nO SlYnCe SaMo Za mEnE.S DuShAtA Si ObIChAi VsIcHkI,No SyS SyRcEtU SaMu mEn!!! 

KaKvO E JiVoTa?JiVoTa E LiUbOv.KaKvO E LiUbOvTa?LiUbOvTa E CeLuVkA.KaKvO E CeLuVkAtA?ElA TuK I ShTe Ti PoKaJa!!! 

Ti Si OtRoVa,KoQtO Az LeKuVaM CqL JiVoT,Ti Si NaI SlYnChEvAtA Mi MeChTa.NeShTeSh ZaLeZe V mEn Do GrOb!!! 

IsKaM Da Te ImAm,No nE MoGa,NeShTo PrEcHi,NeShTo Ni DeLi!ChUi ObIcHaM tE Do IzNeMoGa,nO MaLkO e ToVa Za TeB NaLi?KaK TrUDnO e Da ShEpNeSh:SbOgOm!KoGaTo IsKaSh Da IzViKaSh OsTaNi!KoGaTo LiUbOvTa ZaGiVa,No S nEq NqMaSh SiLi Da ZaGiNeSh Ti!!!

Az MoGa BoLkAtA Da SkRiQ I VsIcHkO MoGa Da TyRpQ...nO LiUbOvTa KyM tEb Da SkRiQ...PrOsTi,nO TrUdNu E ToVa{{{{{{P}}}}}}.


ObIcHaM JiVoTa BeZuMnO,ZaShToTo V NeGo Si Ti,ObIcHaM I TeBe BeZuMnO,ZaShToTo JiVoTa Za mEnE Si Ti... 

ToVa KoEtO Mi E V GlAvAtA MoGa Da ZaBrAvQ!No ToVa KoEtO Mi E V SyRcEtO nE mOgA Da IzVaDq...!{P}{P}{P} 

S tEb VrEmEtO ShTe VyRnEm,ShTe ZaLiChIm SlEdItE,ShTe VyRnEm MiNaLiTe DnI...I PaK ShTe mE CeLuVaSh I PaK ShTe mE PrEgRyShTaSh TiIiI...I PaK Do mEnE ShTe Si TiIiI... 

Сам0 с една целувка м0га да те п0бъркам само с един поглед мислите ти ще 0бъркам сам0 една н0щ и ще те п0длудяДа ме обичаш не те задължавам, направи го, ако заслужавам!
Обичам те,и ти го знаеш сукровище на мойте дни,
единствено за теб мечтая за теб сърцето ми трепти!

Сам не е добре,сама не е добре,но
сам и сама на саме е много добре!

Мога да не ти говоря вече,мога да те гледам отдалече,
мога името ти да не изричам,но няма да спра да те обичам!

Полето е тясно,небето я ясно,не разбра ли копеле нещастно
че те обичам ужасно!

Шоколад не не,захар не не,да помисля...,дали мед?По дяволите
няма нищо по сладко от теб!

Днес ми се обадиха от рая и ми казаха ,че най-красивия ангел
е избягал!Няма страшно защото няма да им кажа къде си!


Ако мислиш че не те обичам,разбий сърцето ми на хиляди зрънца
но знай че всяко от тях те обича,повече от хиляди сърца!


Ако нямаш к"во да правиш този ден що не вземеш да се влубиш
в мен!

Ако сънуваш-сънуваи само мен!Ако заспиваш,заспивай с моте целувки,
ако пък слушаш чувай само моето:"обичам те"!


Ще те чукам страстно и опасно,ще те чукам бавно за да ти е гадно
ще те чукам с чувство,защото сексът е изкуство!

Давам ти да ми свалиш блузата,давам ти да ми свалиш дънкито,давам ти да ми свалиш прашката и сотиена но моля те остави щипките на простора!

Ако не ме обичаш ме обий,режи ме къс по къс, но като стигнеш до сърцето ми спри и помисли, защото там си ти! :) 

Бъди звезда за всички,но слънце само за мен,с душата си обичаи всички,но със сърцето само мен!;)

Ако беше сълза, щеше да си в очите ми, ако беше в цвете щеше да си в ръцете ми, но ти си човек и си в сърцето ми! 

Бог ми даде очи да виждам, бог ми даде ръце да докосвам, бог ми да де сърце , а ти ми го взе!!

оБиЧаШ Ли оБиЧаЙ СиЛнО...МрАзИш Ли МраЗИ зАвИнаГи...Не сЪжЕляВаЙ НиКоГа зА НиЩо зАщОтО еДвА Ли няКоЙ ТеБ Ще СъЖаЛи... ПлАчИ ТиХо,сМеЙ сЕ ВисОкО,оБиЧаЙ сИлНо... И ОтМъЩаВаЙ ЖеСТоКо [!][!][!]  

Daleche si i ne shte usetish celuvkite i tihia mi zov!No iskam da usetish dushata mi i moiata lubov! 

Категория: Други
Прочетен: 1751813 Коментари: 692 Гласове: 1
Последна промяна: 28.05.2007 18:22
28.05.2007 18:00 - cristiano ronaldo
 В националния отбор по футбол на Португалия играе с номер 17, а в Мaнчестър Юнайтед - с номер 7. Висок е 184 см, тежи 75 кг.има предложена оферта от Реал (Мадрид) на стойност 32 милиона евро.Има връзка с Ванеса Крейзи Кристиано Роналдо Сантос Авейро е роден на 05.02.1985 година на португалския остров Мадейра. Той има един брат и две сестри. Неговите родители имат симпатии към американския президент Роналд Рейгън, на което футболистът дължи второто си име.

Мнозина смятат, че няма да успее да пробие на голямата футболна сцена, но още на дванадесет годишна възраст е забелязан от големите португалски клубове. Въпреки това той избира да играе за Спортинг (Лисабон). Дебютният му мач е срещу италианския Интер. В приятелски мач срещу Манчестър Юнайтед, Сър Алекс Фергюсън има възможността да оцени таланта на Роналдо и да го привлече. Денят е 13.08.2003 година, а сумата – 17.5 млн. евро, което е световен рекорд за тийнейджър. От август 2003 е викан за постоянно в португалския национален отбор, като за отрицателно време се превръща в любимец на феновете, жените и гей обществото.

На Европейското първенство в Португалия през 2004г. отборът му достига до финал, където губи злощастно с 1:0 от аутсайдера Гърция. Кристиано Роналдо се превръща във втория най-млад реализатор на европейски първенства. През 2005 г. става рекламно лице на Pepe Jeans (London) и Suzuki Swift. Есента на 2005 г. той беше арестуван в Лондон по подозрения за изнасилване, но явно всичко се е разминало в негова полза. На Световното първенство в Германия през 2006 г. Португалия достига до полуфинал, а той става втория най-добър млад играч на първенството. След скандала с Уейн Руни, Роналдо решава да напусне Манчестър Юнайтед и вероятно новият му клуб ще е Реал Мадрид. Истинската причина за това негово решение е годеницата му Мерче Ромеро. Девет години по-възрастната TV звезда е тази, за която смята да се ожени Роналдо. Според запознати тя много умело го командва и признава, че за брака им ще е по-добре, ако той да играе в някой испански или португалски отбор.

Категория: Спорт
Прочетен: 104242 Коментари: 0 Гласове: 0
Da-da, Da-da, Da,
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da

So I was thinking to myself when you passed me by
"Here"s what I like"
And you were with somebody else but you can"t deny
That"s me in your eye

Do you know
What it"s like
When it"s wrong
But it feels so right?

Nothing in this world can stop us tonight
I can do what she can do so much better
Nothing in this world can turn out the light
I"m gonna make you feel alright tonight.
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da

Baby, you and I, we got what will never be
You know I"m right
So tell me what you"re waiting for when you"re here with me?
Most guys would die

You should know
(you should know)
What it"s like
(what its like)
When it hurts
(when it hurts)
[ Lyrics found on http://www.metrolyrics.com ]

"Cause it feels so right

Nothing in this world can stop us tonight
I can do what she can do so much better
Nothing in this world can turn out the light
I"m gonna make you feel alright tonight.
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, Tonight
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da

I gotta tell you somethin"
It"s somethin" that you just might like
No, it"s not the same thing
Yeah, you"ll learn I"m not too shy
You and I, we can do this thing tonight

Nothing in this world can stop us tonight
I can do what she can do so much better
Nothing in this world can turn out the light
I"m gonna make you feel alright tonight.

Nothing in this world can stop us tonight
I can do what she can do so much better
Nothing in this world can turn out the light
I"m gonna make you feel alright tonight.
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da, tonight
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da
Da-da, Da-da, Da-da, Da
Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 4996 Коментари: 0 Гласове: 0
22.05.2007 23:25 - Rihanna - S.O.S.
alala lalala la la lala la Ohhh
You know... I never felt like this before
Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh
Feels like.. so real

[Verse 1]
I"m obsessive when just one thought of you comes up
I"m aggressive just one thought of closing up
You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue
"Cause every moment gone you know I miss you
I"m the question and you"re of course the answer
Just hold me close boy "cause I"m your tiny dancer
You make me shaken up, never mistaken
But I can"t control myself, got me calling out for help

S.O.S. please someone help me.
It"s not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard,
I can"t take it, see it don"t feel right
S.O.S. please someone help me
It"s not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard
You got me tossin" and turnin" and can"t sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me
"Cause you on my mind it"s got me losing it
I"m lost, you got me lookin" for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I"m losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me
"Cause you on my mind, it"s got me losing it
I"m lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me, so now I"m losing it

[Verse 2]
Just your presence and I second guess my sanity
Yes it"s a lesson, it"s unfair, you stole my vanity
My tummy"s up in knots so when I see you I get so hot
My common sense is out the door, can"t seem to find the lock
Take on me (uh huh) you know inside you feel it right
[CD version:] Take me on I"m put desire up in your arms tonight
[Video version:] Take me on, I could just die up in your arms tonight.
I"m out with you, you got me head over heels
Boy you keep me hanging on the way you make me feel

S.O.S. please someone help me.
It"s not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making (Y.O.U.) this hard,
You got me tossin" and turnin" and can"t sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me
"Cause you on my mind, it"s got me losing it ("Cause you on my mind)
I"m lost, you got me lookin" for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I"m losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me (someone come and rescue me)
"Cause you on my mind got me losing it
I"m lost, you got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me, so now I"m losing it

Boy, you know you got me feeling open
And boy, your loves enough with words unspoken
I said boy I"m telling you, you got me open
I don"t know what to do it"s true
I"m going crazy over you,
I"m begging

S.O.S. please somebody help me.
It"s not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard (are you making this hard for me, baby?),
You got me tossin" and turnin" and can"t sleep at night

This time please someone come and rescue me (someone rescue me)
"Cause you on my mind, it"s got me losing it
I"m lost, you got me lookin" for the rest of me
Love is testing me but still I"m losing it
This time please someone come and rescue me
"Cause you on my mind got me losing it ("cause any time)
I"m lost you, got me looking for the rest of me,
Got the best of me (best of me), I"m losing it

Lala lala lala lala Ohhh
Ohh ohh lala lala lala lala
Oh oh
Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 4660 Коментари: 0 Гласове: 0
22.05.2007 23:24 - Rihanna - Unfaithful
Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding me
Rihanna - Unfaithful

Sorrow in my soul
Cause it seems that wrong
Really loves my company

Hes more than a man
And this is more than love
The reason that the sky is blue
The clouds are rolling in
Because I"m gone again
And to him I just can"t be true

And I know that he knows I"m unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don"t wanna do this anymore
I don"t wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don"t wanna hurt him anymore
I don"t wanna take away his life
I don"t wanna be...
A murderer

I feel it in the air
As I"m doing my hair
Preparing for another day
A kiss up on my cheek
He"s here reluctantly
As if I"m gonna be out late
I say I won"t be long
Just hanging with the girls
A lie I didn"t have to tell
Because we both know
Where I"m about to go
And we know it very well

Cause I know that he knows I"m unfaithful
And it kills him inside
To know that I am happy with some other guy
I can see him dying

I don"t wanna do this anymore
I don"t wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don"t wanna hurt him anymore
I don"t wanna take away his life
I don"t wanna be...
A murderer

Our Love, his trust
I might as well take a gun and put it to his head
Get it over with
I don"t wanna do this
Anymore (anymore)

I don"t wanna do this anymore
I don"t wanna be the reason why
Everytime I walk out the door
I see him die a little more inside
I don"t wanna hurt him anymore
I don"t wanna take away his life
I don"t wanna be...
A murderer (a murderer)
Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 4509 Коментари: 0 Гласове: 0
22.05.2007 23:22 - Kelis - Bossy
You know, it"s a hard pill to swallow
When they tell you you strange
You ain"t hot
Then in the blink of an eye
They got on what you got
That means i"m a boss!

Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch that beat go...

I"m the first girl to scream on a track
I switched up the beat of the drum
That"s right i brought all the boys to the yard
And that"s right, i"m the one that"s tattooed on his arm
I"m bossy
I"m the bitch y"all love to hate
I"m the chick that"s raised the stake
I told young stunna he should switch to bape
I"m back with an 808 cause i"m bossy

Ooh lemme slow it down for ya so you can catch the flow
Screw it up make it go extra slow
Real girls get down on the flo (on the flo get down, on the flo)
Ooh i gave you a taste you want some more
Touch down on it like a pro
I ride the beat like a bicycle, icicle
Ooh from the 6-4 hefers up in crenshaw
The money makin playas up in harlem
Don"t want no problem
We gon keep it bumpin while the 808 is jumpin

Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill

I"m bossy
I"m the first girl to scream on a track
I switched up the beat of the drum
That"s right i brought all the boys to the yard
And that"s right, i"m the one that"s tattooed on his arm
I"m bossy
I"m the bitch y"all love to hate
I"m the chick that"s raised the stake
I told young stunna he should switch to bape
I"m back with an 808 cause i"m bossy

Ooh (i bet i bet i bet) i bet cha neva heard it like this before
My baby be cruisin them phantom doors
Got the bar poppin this that you can"t afford (can"t afford)
Ooh i"m drinkin blastin the crowds it"s all smokin
All the while i"m all open
Me and my girls we stay fly and we love to stay high
Ooh from the 6-4 hefers up in crenshaw
To the money makin playas up in harlem
Don"t want no problems
We gon keep it bumpin while the 808 is jumpin

Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill

I"m bossy
I"m the first girl to scream on a track
I"m switched up the beat of the drum
That"s right i brought all the boys to the yard
And that"s right i"m the one that"s tattooed on his arm
I"m bossy
I"m the bitch ya"ll love to hate
I"m the chick that"s raised the stake
I told young stunna he should switch to bape
I"m back with an 808 cause i"m bossy

It"s bout time that she get with me
Can"t stop starin, she"s fine and she"s pretty
Damn girl, don"t hurt em
Don"t back that, you gon work em
Put your mack down, i know your background
What chu want girl, you gettin mad now
That"s how you do it, huh?
Well i"m the coolest one
In fact, it"s in the back bring em to the front
Tell that man you"s a boss
Make some noise, raise your hand if you"s a boss
I don"t think he understand you"s a boss
Get some help if you can cause he lost it
Ain"t no refunds, she spent the cash mayne
In your benz with her friends in the fast lane
Flossin, you say "how much it cost me?"
About a million dollars playa, she"s bossy
I"m the first girl to scream on a track
I switched up the beat of the drum
That"s right i brought all the boys to the yard
And that"s right i"m the one that"s tattooed on his arm
I"m bossy
I"m the bitch y"all love to hate
I"m the chick that"s raised the stake
I told young stunna he should switch to bape
I"m back with an 808 cause i"m bossy

Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Uh uh... watch the beat go...
Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 5381 Коментари: 0 Гласове: 0
21.05.2007 23:54 - Ciara - Like A Boy
Pull up your pants
(Just Like Em")
Take out the trash
(Just Like Em")
You can dig cash like em"
Fast like em"
Girl you outta act like ya dig
(What I"m talkin" bout")
Security codes on everything
Vibrate so your phone don"t ever ring
(Joint Account)
And another one he don"t know about

Wish we could switch up the roles
And I could be that...
Tell you I love you
But when you call I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me?...
Like where you be at?
Cause I"m out 4 in the morning
On the corna roll"n
Do"n my own thing

What if I?
Had a thing on the side?
Made ya cry?
Would the rules change up?
Or would they still apply?
If I played you like a toy?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy

Can"t be get"n mad!
What You Mad?
Can"t Handle that!
Can"t be get"n mad!
What you mad?
Can"t handle that!

[Verse: 2]
Girl go head and be...
(Just Like Em")
Go run the streets
(Just Like Em")
come home late say sleep like em"
Creep like em"
Front with ya friends
Act hard when you"re with em" like em"
Keep a straight face when ya tell a lie
Always keep an airtight alibi
(Keep Him In The Dark)
What he don"t know won"t break his heart

Wish we could switch up the roles
And I could be that...
Tell you I love you
But when you call I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me?...
Like where you be at?
Cause I"m out 4 in the morning
On the corna roll"n
Do"n my own thing

What if I?
Had a thing on the side?
[ Lyrics found on http://www.metrolyrics.com ]

Made ya cry?
Would the rules change up?
Or would they still apply?
If I played you like a toy?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy

Can"t be get"n mad!
What You Mad?
Can"t Handle that!
Can"t be get"n mad!
What you mad?
Can"t handle that!
Can"t be get"n mad!
What you mad?
Can"t handle that!
Can"t be get"n mad!
What you mad?
Can"t handle that!

If I was always gone
If the sun beat me home
(Would Ya Like That?)
Told you I was with my crew
When I knew it wasn"t true
(Would Ya Like That?)
If I act like you
Walk a mile off in yo shoes
(Would Ya Like That?)
I"m mess"n with your head again
Dose of your own medicine

What if I?
Had a thing on the side?
Made ya cry?
Would the rules change up?
Or would they still apply?
If I played you like a toy?
Sometimes I wish I could act like a boy

Can"t be get"n mad!
What You Mad?
Can"t Handle that!
Can"t be get"n mad!
What you mad?
Can"t handle that!
Can"t be get"n mad!
What you mad?
Can"t handle that!
Can"t be get"n mad!
What you mad?
Can"t handle that!

If I played you...
Would yo like that?
Had friends...
Would you like that?
Never call?
Would you like that?
No no
You wouldn"t like that

What if I?
Had a thing on the side?
Made ya cry!
Would the rules change up?
Or would they still apply!
What if I...
If I played you like a toy
Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 4659 Коментари: 0 Гласове: 0
21.05.2007 23:51 - jesse mccartney
Because You Live

Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
It"s the end of the world in my mind
Then your voice pulls me back like a wake up call
I"ve been looking for the answer
I couldn"t see that it was right there
But now I know what I didn"t know

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky

It"s alright, I survived, I"m alive again
Cuz of you, made it through every storm
What is life, what"s the use if you"re killing time
I"m so glad I found an angel
Who was there when all my hopes fell
I wanna fly, looking in your eyes

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky
Because you live, I live

Because you live there"s a reason why
I carry on when I lose the fight
I want to give what you"ve given me always

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has twice as many stars in the sky

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself when nobody else can help
Because you live, girl
My world has everything I need to survive

Because you live, I live, I live
Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 5273 Коментари: 0 Гласове: 0

За този блог
Автор: eveto
Категория: Музика
Прочетен: 2331426
Постинги: 8
Коментари: 692
Гласове: 188
«  Април, 2024